Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wondering about BBAW?

Getting ready for BBAW, which kicks off on September 14-18th, the gals hosting the event, asked some of us who participated last year to answer a couple questions for other Bloggers who have not been a part of this event in the past. *Note this will the second year so only one event has past. LOL

1) What was the highlight (something that happened, a post, an activity, etc.) of BBAW for you last year?
To be honest I had just got my blog up and running by like a week. I somehow happened on to My Friend Amy's blog and she was hosting the first ever BBAW. I was excited to know there was such a thing and decided what the heck and jumped in feet first. It was a thrill and an honor because now I had a couple things to blog about besides my silly self and what I had for lunch. (no I didn't post about any lunches I have had)

2) What is one new blog you discovered during BBAW last year?
Last year I was so excited and PLEASED to get to interview another Book Blogger. I was given the job of interviewing Rebecca of The Book Lady's Blog. I was so nervous because in my eyes she was a bonified Real LIFE Blogger. LOL She got married in a library. How cool is that?
Well if you would like to see my interview just click here.

3) What tips would you share to help others get the most out of their BBAW experience?
Just follow along with the activities set up. This year there are going to be a couple Meme's that we get in advance so we can have them ready for the post day. (love that) Take a while and explore the sites that have been nominated for awards. Post Post Post to your hearts content on the activities and giveaways. Most of all HAVE FUN, pat yourself on the back for being a Book Blogger.


Marg said...

Wow! How awesome is it that she got married in a library! I didn't participate in the interview swap last year, but I am this year.

Jennifer The Forgetful Faerie Queen said...

How exciting for you Marg!! I think I missed the deadline for the swap. *cry
Well I will have to settle for reading about yours when its posted.
Have fun with your questions Marg.

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