Wednesday September 16
Reading Meme
We encourage you to be creative with this! Please choose one or two questions to answer or try to answer all the questions in five words or less. Or choose a picture to answer a question! Brevity is the goal of today!
Do you snack while you read? Sometimes. If so, favorite reading snack? Usually Cookies
Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of
writing in books horrify you? NO WRITING IN BOOKS ZOMG The only time that would be acceptable to me is if it was a college book. Then I can abide by the writing in the margins and stuff.
How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? I usually use a big colorful paperclip. I occasionally dog ear for saving favorite scenes or quotes I want to put in my reviews.
Laying the book flat open? I usually hold it open. If it's a hard back then lay it flat.
Fiction, Non-fiction, or both? 99% of the time it's fiction for me. I excel at escapism.
Hard copy or audiobooks? I am always intrigued by audiobooks but still have yet to make myself try one. Hardcopy all the way.
Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you
able to put a book down at any point? I can put a book down at any point. If I know it's gonna be down for long time then I try to aim for the end of a chapter.
If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away? No to lazy for that. I do however dog ear it and look that word up later.
What are you currently reading? Romeo Romeo by Robin Kaye
What is the last book you bought? I actually bought 3. Mastered by Love by Stephanie Laruens, In the Master's Bed by Blythe Gifford, and With Seduction in Mind by Laura Lee Guhrke
Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can
you read more than one at a time? I mostly need to just concentrate on one book at a time or will get confused and or lose interest in one or more.
Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read? In the morning in my quiet living room. I have one side of the couch I love to sit at just under the outside windows. I find it peaceful.
Do you prefer series books or stand alone books? I love them both. Although I do need the stand alones in between series for a break in the writing and storytelling styles.
Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over? Halfway to the Grave by Jeanine Frost. I can't say enough about her and that series. I also tend to recommend Lynsay Sands and Sandra Hill a lot. GREAT authors and most of their stories make me giggle at one point or another. I LOVE that.
How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author’s last name, etc.?) I am not really organized at this time. Which is really odd since I have over 300 DVD's and I insist that all go in alphabetically or I am irked. I may have to rectify this ....which is exciting because I love "playing librian" as I call it.
I always need a break when I read series too. I can never read them one after another.
Jennifer - Thanks for buying my book! Hope you enjoy it. (I'd love to be able to read in the morning, but that's my writing time.)
Thank you so much for your comments.
You made my day leaving me a comment.
Your book sounds amazing. The back of it had me thinking...YAY I'm buying this one for sure! It may be a little while before I get the pleasure of actually reading it. I have a list of books for a challenge to do. =) If I were a writer I would do it in the morning too. It's so peaceful and you can actually hear your thoughts while the world around us is still waking up for the noisy day ahead.
*sprinkles you with fairy dust and flutters off.............
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